Beach Adventures.

Hi Friends~
The past month has been a whirlwind of adventure…from 16 hour days at Disneyland to fun family time at Avila Beach, to farmers market shenanigans in San Louis Obispo.

What a blessing it has been to embrace lazy days, laughter and spontaneous adventures….

When wise words shared over a cup of coffee in the early morning beach air become more important than connecting to the WiFi…when connection with cousins brings belly laughter and friendship bracelets…when time in the Sunshine brings refreshment to the Soul and a new found sparkle to life…

Sand Dunes at Pismo Beach

Ah, those days….those moments you want to linger in forever…soaking up every ounce of laughter, sunshine, and all the ‘I Love Yous’…

Scavenger Hunt Shenanigans!

When your passions line up before the days adventures…the love of golf…the love of worship…and the love of all things sporty…and these passions bring you together to accomplish something great!

This family…how I love them- their passion for life…their sincerity of heart…their sense of adventure…and their friendship. Thank you for the wonderful beach adventures… where sunshine rejuvenated our souls and brought us back to the foundation of family and true, vulnerable connection. Wishing that days like this could last forever….

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