The Weekly.

Hi Friends!

Happy Monday.

2019. This year has already proven to be one bringing such deep growing experiences for me. Only 14 days in and yet I feel like I have already overcome so much….daily growing in my understanding of who God is making me to be and the avenues He is giving me to walk out in my calling.

I hope that this season has brought about much growth for you too and that you’re able to see His purposes in such!


*I started clinical rotations last week in Bone Marrow Transplant. Learning how to care for these patients is a very tender and raw process. Learned that this unit experiences 4-6 deaths per month. And our rotation lasts for 3 months. They said those hard words- “be prepared, you will experience death of a patient while on this rotation”. They’ve taught us how to comfort the grieving. They’ve taught us the words to say and those not to say. They’ve taught us the gift of presence and how one of our greatest roles in this setting will be to simply be present. To provide a shoulder to cry on….a listening ear….a tender touch that relays, “I care.” So much learning here….learning beyond just the pharmachology of the patient’s medications….beyond the pathophysiology of their disease process….it’s lifelong learning. Learning that equips us to share compassion with people at their most vulnerable.


*Lovin’ this fleece pullover from Abercrombie and Fitch. Definitly adding this to my birthday wishlist 😉 Perfect for this late winter/early spring weather!

*Embracing life and feeling content and thankful for all that He has given to me!

Goals for the Week:

I was able to accomplish all of last week’s goals and especially enjoyed my personal day adventure at the beach! Long walks on the beach…in the quiet…beautiful moments for the Holy Spirit to speak. I also finished My Name is Hope, by John Mark Comer and I would HIGHLY recommend! For those struggling with mental health, depression, anxiety, etc, Comer’s words carry such power and truth as he points you to Jesus.

Goals for this Week…

*My church is currently studying the sabbath and uncovering what this word actually means and learning how we can integrate our lives around it. Hence, one of my goals for this week is to practice remembering the sabbath day and keeping it holy by allowing for a full day of rest. A day to set aside work, chores, tention, and expectation, and embrace those things that surround my life with beauty, that make me stand in awe of God, and that increase my sense of wonder.

*Every month, I am trying to integrate in a ‘passion project’- something that I commit to seeing through to the end, in one month’s time, that works to further develop a particular passion that I have. This month, my ‘passion project’ is to serve the couple that I am living with by rubbing their feet. I know it probably sounds strange, but this action of washing the feet of a brother or sister has been a powerful thing in my life. I have had some tender moments with friends when God has compelled me to act in this practice. Jesus was the ultimate example of this, laying aside His rightful place, putting on the towel and washing his friends’ feet. It’s a practice that stops people in their tracks and allows for meaningful conversation.

*Take a bubble bath 🙂 Something that I’m sure I haven’t done since I was little, but was inspired to do by a friend of mine…take quiet time alone to soak in the aroma of essential oils and warm water and enjoy a good book (Which, by the way, currently happens to be Loveology by John Mark Comber).

Praying God’s richest blessings on your week! May you feel His presence in a powerful way and challenge yourself to pursue the God-given passions He has put on your heart! I would love to hear where this takes you and if He inspires you in a ‘passion project’ of your own.




One thought on “The Weekly.

  1. Oh my goodness! So thankful for the Holy Spirit inspiring your heart to write and share your journey. His work in you continues to bless this Mama’s 💓. You encourage me to keep walking forward in faith, to embrace beauty, to keep my eyes on Jesus…our HOPE. I thank you from the bottom of this humbled Mama’s heart. As for a ‘passion project’, I love that…. I will definitely be praying about how God might want to use that idea in my life. Thanks for sharing 😘
    Love you more than words can say or I could ever show you. Hugs🤗

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